Mama Nourish

Yoga sessions designed to help you rest, replenish and connect

When a baby is born…

…a mother is too. But modern society forgets that motherhood is one of life’s biggest transitions and it takes longer than 6 weeks to navigate. Because here’s the thing, postpartum lasts 5 years. The intense season of mothering, caring, nurturing, and growing doesn’t end with the newborn phase.

If you are feeling touched-out or overwhelmed by the juggle that is motherhood, join us for Mama Nourish.

What it is

This is an invitation to reconnect, recharge and simply be. Through yoga nidra, womb yoga, pranayama and being in circle with other mums, I will support you in finding ways to nourish your body, mind and heart. This workshop offers community, rest and a decent slice of cake. 

Mamas 6 weeks to 5 years post-birth are welcome. This is time just for you so please leave your little ones with another caregiver.  

Currently no upcoming session. Stay tuned!

What my clients say