Womb Wellness Yoga for Women

Yoga to help you connect with your menstrual cycle and life cycles.

Do you feel stuck? Do you feel disconnected?

Do you feel estranged from your intuition? Is your creativity stifled? Do you feel you have time for play? Do you feel like you have to earn rest? 

Did you know that connecting to your womb and your cycle could help unblock all of this?

What it is

Womb Wellness Yoga is an embodied exploration of the seasons of women’s menstrual and life cycles. We use the tools of yoga to unlock the power of these cycles that resides in the pelvis.

Using a mix of movement, yoga nidra, breathwork and being in circle, we connect to our innate intuition, playfulness, creativity and truth. This is an approach to yoga that welcomes and celebrates you just as you are.

Classes and workshops are open to all women at any stage of their life cycle and can be a supportive way to connect to your body even if you are on the pill, menopausal, pregnant or have had a hysterectomy.

They are especially recommended for those preparing or currently trying to conceive to support you holistically on this journey.

Join a session

Womb Wellness Yoga Workshop: Homecoming - Saturday 8 June at Yogarise Peckham, 1:30 - 3:30pm. Click here to book.

Introduction to Womb Wellness Yoga Workshop - Sunday 9 June at Yoga Mela South Norwood, 2 - 4pm. (Link coming soon).

What my clients say