Cycle Resources

The resources below will help you tune into your cycle giving you the foundations for cyclical living, reconnection to self, and conscious conception.

Sample pages from womb wisdom guide. Introduction page to menstrual cycle awareness. cycle charting wheel template.

If you are new to charting your cycle, start with the Womb Wisdom Guide.

The Womb Wisdom Guide will provide you with all you need to start listening to and familiarising yourself with your cycle. You will start to notice patterns across your cycles. You will access the wisdom you need to make decisions that nourish not deplete you.

This is the guide for you if:

  • You are new to tracking your cycle but not sure where to start

  • You want to get to know your cycle and how it impacts your day to day

  • You need tools to help you make friends with your menstrual cycle

  • You have just come off hormonal contraception and want to build a relationship with your cycle

  • You want to connect to a deeper, intuitive knowing

  • You want to make sense of your changing mood each month

  • You want to find more ease all month round, especially during the premenstrual phase

If you want a charting app without the inaccurate predictions

For clients who prefer to use an app for their charting, the only app I recommend is Read Your Body. It is a community-driven, female-led, non-profit organisation that champions body literacy for everyone.

The app doesn’t include unhelpful ‘predictive’ features which are often inaccurate and make you doubt your own knowledge. Also, data privacy is paramount - your data always remains yours and you can do backups manually or use their encrypted service. They never see, sell, or share your data…and they actually mean it!

Because it is a digital version of a paper app, you need to learn a method of fertility awareness first before you use it. If you choose to learn fertility awareness with me, you will benefit from 3 months’ free use of the app.