Breaking Up With The Pill

A personalised 1-2-1 packed with everything you need know to come off the pill safely

Fertility Rising illustration of women's natural fertility cycles, uterus and ovaries.

Does coming off hormonal birth control fill you with fear?

…Are you unsure about how to do it? Are you scared about getting it wrong? Are you feeling confused by the 100 contradictory options a quick Google search throws up? Are you feeling anxious about the symptoms that might appear when you come off the pill?

Your menstrual cycle matters. And you deserve to be heard, supported and empowered as you explore your options. 

The programme

Coming off the pill is a big deal, it’s like stepping into the unknown. If you have been on the pill longer than you can remember or you went on it to manage difficult periods it can bring up a lot of anxiety too.

But there can also be excitement about this decision - perhaps you are preparing to start trying for a baby. 

If you don’t know what your natural cycle looks like, or if you went on the pill to fix a particularly problematic cycle, some support in breaking up with the pill can help you feel less anxious and more in control as you enter this new chapter. 

Breaking up with the pill is a 1-2-1 container packed with everything you need to come off the pill well.

We go through what the pill does to your body and what to expect when you stop taking it, how to identify when your natural fertility has returned, how to build a relationship with your cycle, how to prepare for trimester zero by replenishing everything your body lacked on the pill. We also cover what your options are for reliable hormone free contraception to keep you safe before you are ready to start your trying to conceive journey. You then get 1 month's email support to ask any follow up questions that come up later down the line.

What you get

  • A 75 minute 1-2-1 coaching session tailored to your needs

  • 1 month’s email support following the session to ask any questions that come up later in your journey

  • Confidence in what to expect when you come off the pill

  • Tips and tools to make the break up smoother

  • Support in thinking through your contraception options to continue to play safe until you are ready to conceive. 

  • Understanding of what you can do to prepare yourself for a better conception and pregnancy journey

  • An empowering action plan specific to your situation

This is for you if

  • You feel anxious about coming off the pill 

  • You want to feel more informed about what to expect with your cycles and fertility

  • You want to know your options on how to continue to play safe - you don’t want a baby just yet. 

  • You want to know how to support your body to prepare for trying to get pregnant

  • You want to know the signs your normal fertility has returned

  • You want someone who will give you more than 10 minutes to discuss this mega life decision

Book a free discovery call to discuss how I can support your journey.